Following are some of the work done by Dharitri films till date
Research and Training:
Team leader for appraisal and final report on the regional training workshop on “Psychological Interventions and case Management among Street Children” sponsored by Aparajeyo-Bangladesh and Childhope-Asia, Philippines. Assignment 01 Dec.1999 – 02 Feb. 2000.
Monitoring, evaluation and final 8-day Workshop Report on “Methods and Techniques of Street Education and Substance Abuse Prevention among Street Children” sponsored by Childhope-Asia, Philippines and Aparajeyo-Bangladesh, September 20, 1998.
Team leader for conducting a three-day training workshop for 104 participants consisting of Upazila Chairman, Union Parishad Representatives, Elected Members, Local Government Secretaries and NGO personnel, on local Development fund in Sirajganj, sponsored by UNCDF, UNDP, Bangladesh, March 1998.
Conducted a research, co-authored and edited the research documents on Village Farm Forestry Project for Swiss Development cooperation (SDC)-1995
Field survey on women working as Community Farmers (CF) for CARE’s LIFT project-1992
Documentary films on professional cameras and slide productions:
2018 utill the present continuing work with Container-TV, Berne, Switzerland, on “Rasheda Trust”
Produced and directed a series of 16 episodes on IYCF (Infant and Young Child Feeding) program called Tiny Tales for Alive &Thrive company led by Belinda Bill Gates Association 2012– 2014
Produced/Directed, a 30 minutes film “Harnessing Green Gold” for Bangladesh Tea Association ( BTA) on the History of Tea Gardens in Bangladesh October 2009- March 2011
Concept, script direction and production of a film titled “Destiny” based on a USCCB program, Adolescent Development Program in Bangladesh, reaching 56 out of 64 districts with the help of 60 partner NGOs. This unique program for adolescent children to ensure their means of livelihood, particularly girls of the rural areas, deprived for centuries,to pursue self-development — September – Dec. 2003
Directing producing a 48 minutes film “In Quest of the Sundarban Bengal Tiger” a joint venture with Canadian International Development Agency CIDA) – 2002
Directin Produced/Directed, a 30 minutes film “Harnessing Green Gold” for Bangladesh Tea Association ( BTA) on the History of Tea Gardens in Bangladesh October 2009- March 2011
g, producing a 20 minutes film “Surviving in the Sunderban”for Sunderban Biodiversity Conservation Project (SBCP) –2001
Produced three documentary film episodes on area based folklore, for Sustainable Environmental Management Programme (SEMP,World Bank Project), to create necessary public awareness regarding the existence of Arsenic in drinking water, its effect and what can be done to abate the problem. June 2000- April 2001
Production of a 25 minutes short film, based on the lives of people who live in and around Sunderban and make a living, using the forest resources, titled “Sunderbaner Lokaloye Deen Raatri.” 2002
Concept, script and production of a film titled “Creating New Dreams” based on the vulnerable children of the streets in Bangladesh, for a local organization Aparajeyo-Bangladesh – 1999
Concept, script and production of a “Question Answer Hour ”programme based on The Arsenic contamination of ground water in Bangladesh, between the policy makers and general public to ensure transparency and people’s participation from all walks of life – 1999
Script and Direction for a video film “Working towards Safer Water and Sanitation” based on WATSAN project for DASCHO (Development Association for Self-reliance, Communication and Health – 1999
Film on the 1997-98 Convocation of North South University. 1999
Slide production on Chakaria Community Health Project for a slide show to be held in Switzerland, sponsored by Swiss Red Cross, June 1998.
Producer of the first film in Bangladesh on “Manifestations of Arsenic poisoning in Human Bodies” sponsored by OXFAM& Disaster Forum-1998.
Concept scriptwriter, Director for “A wind of change” a 12 minutes film on IDEAL school projects, Sponsored by UNICEF- 1997.
Director, of six video episodes on Gono Sahajja Sangshta’s education programme – 1996 – 97.
Producer/Director of the entire media and communication package on behalf of the North South University, which, besides publication included video film documentation, interviews of Dean and Vice chancellor of foreign Universities and write-ups & articles for the print media. 1996
Directed and produced a documentary on underage children from garments factories being rehabilitated, jointly by ILO and UNICEF and BGMEA-1996.
Prints and Publications:
Developed and published a Brochure on the country programme for UNDP “UNDP in Bangladesh”–1998.
Developed and published a Brochure on the country programme 1995-2000 for Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) “SDC and Bangladesh”– 1997.
Produced the following brochure/manual for GTZ-MSFSCI project:
Group lending Handbook 1997 and
Federal Extension Service Manual 1997
Produced and published the brochure for the First Convocation Ceremony of North South University‘ 1996.
Coordinated and edited brochure on National Immunization Day ’95 (NID) called “A Community Programme” published by UNICEF for Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) 1995.
Translation , Editing and Executive report writing:
Translation and Editing of Documents into English and Bangla
On retainer ship with UNICEF since 1996- Dec. 2000 (Some of the major works)
- National Education Policy 2000, into English
- Documents on Meena episodes, 1998 into Bangla/English
- The book “Health Promotion in Our School” for UNICEF into Bangla 1997 – 1998
- “The National Women’s Development Policy” for UNICEF 1997 into English
- Documents on child abuse, Produced by UNICEF 1997 into Bangla
- “Child Labor” for UNICEF to be presented at the Paris Consortium’1996, into English
- Dharitri Feature Services releases development stories in the print media, since 1996 till date, in English.
Affiliation with Overseas Production:
Continuing with Container –TV, Berne, Switzerland since 1993 till date on Rasheda Trust
Advisor to Nancy Hart, FAO Rome office for the production of films on FAO projects in Bangladesh. The film is available in Italian and English language. March- 2001
Advisor, coordinator to French Television crew for a 35mm film on Arsenic in Bangladesh for SDC – April- 2000
Asst. Director and Translator for Video Documentary on Bangladesh project. Transcription works (Bengali to English); assisted in editing the film “Rasheda has no time to chat” in Berne, Switzerland. English version release on BBC and premiere held in Dhaka. The film is available in Bangla, German, Italian and French languages-1993-94.
FILMHOUSET Copenhagen Denmark Asst. Director/Translator for video production by filmhouset on CARE Bangladesh sponsored by Danida Denmark. Invited to Denmark for post production and transcription work; assisted in editing the film “Green Lift” on Care lift project, Bangladesh-1992.
Martha Stuart Communications New York USA worked as Transcript writer for a video done on “Banchte Shekha”- 1992.
Research on women, using micro-credit from Grameen Bank for small enterprises, and used the material to co-direct films jointly with The Quiet Revolution company from New York, USA and Rooy Media Company, Washington USA, 1991-92.
Field research, interpreter, chief interviewer for the film “Angel of Bengal” worked together with Dr. Anna Raphael, Director Channel 4, England, 1989.